맞춤 인쇄가 가능한 개인화된 화장품 선물용 주석 용기 포장
맞춤 인쇄가 가능한 개인화된 화장품 선물용 주석 용기 포장
맞춤 인쇄가 가능한 개인화된 화장품 선물용 주석 용기 포장
L(21.7)*W(10.8)*H(2.3) cm
최소 주문 수량:
배송 방법:
해상운송, 항공운송, 육상운송
제품 세부정보
첨부 파일
자주 묻는 질문
필수 정보
최소 주문 수량:10,000pcs
크기:L(21.7)*W(10.8)*H(2.3) cm
배송 방법:해상운송, 항공운송, 육상운송
규격 번호:217x108x23mmH
포장 설명:카톤 또는 팔레트
제품 소개

Personalized Cosmetic Gift Tin Container Packaging With Custom Printing

1. Description:

We are delighted to inform you about our new-released product, the rectangular cosmetic gift tin. Our rectangular gift tin box measures 217x108x23mmH, making it the perfect size for storing various cosmetic products. Additionally, it features a branded design with logo embossing, adding value and elegance to your products.

2. Usage: 

This decorative gift tin is ideal for daily sales, as well as for promotional events during Easter, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Christmas Day, and the New Year holiday. It provides a unique and attractive packaging solution that will captivate your customers and enhance your sales.

3. Material:

One of the key features of our customized cosmetic tin is the fact that it is made from 100% eco-friendly raw material tinplate. This not only ensures the safety of your cosmetics but also demonstrates your commitment to environmental sustainability. By choosing our personalized gift tin packaging, you are contributing to reducing pollution and promoting a greener future.


We take pride in being a leading gift tin can supplier in China. With our extensive experience in the industry, we have become a trusted partner for businesses around the world. As a bulk gift tin box manufacturer and custom gift tin wholesaler, we offer high-quality products at reasonable prices. Our fast delivery service ensures that your orders are promptly fulfilled, even in peak seasons. Furthermore, our dedicated customer service team is committed to providing you with a satisfactory experience.

Thank you for considering our premium gift tin packaging. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you and helping you achieve your business goals.

Any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

Email: Info@tinboxcn.com 

제품 세부정보
맞춤 인쇄가 가능한 개인화된 화장품 선물용 주석 용기 포장

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