What are the advantages of popcorn tin packaging?

Zunächst einmal bestehen Popcorndosen aus 100% recycelbarem Weißblech. Das bedeutet, dass sie nicht nur umweltfreundlich sind, sondern auch langlebig. In einer Zeit, in der Verbraucher sich zunehmend ihrer CO2-Bilanz bewusst sind, kann es ein echter Vorteil sein, eine Verpackungsoption anzubieten, die ihren Werten entspricht.

Darüber hinaus können Popcorndosen mit attraktivem Markendruck und lebendiger Prägung personalisiert werden, einschließlich maßgeschneiderter Popcorndosen mit 0,5 Gallonen, 1 Gallone, 2 Gallonen, 3,5 Gallonen und 6,5 Gallonen. Dies verbessert nicht nur die allgemeine ästhetische Anziehungskraft, sondern dient auch als kostenlose Werbung für Ihre Marke. Stellen Sie sich vor, Kunden tragen Ihre Popcorndose mit einem einzigartigen Design überall hin und fördern so effektiv Ihre Marke. Es ist eine fantastische Möglichkeit, Wert zu Ihren Popcorns hinzuzufügen, den Umsatz zu steigern und sich von Ihren Mitbewerbern abzuheben.

Ein weiterer bedeutender Vorteil der maßgeschneiderten Verpackung von Popcorndosen ist ihre Langlebigkeit. Im Gegensatz zu Papiertüten, die dazu neigen, feucht zu werden und sich zu verformen, sorgt die Metallverpackung dafür, dass Ihr Popcorn über einen längeren Zeitraum frisch und intakt bleibt. Kunden werden die Qualität und Haltbarkeit zu schätzen wissen, was zu einer höheren Zufriedenheit und Kundenbindung führt.

Zu guter Letzt dürfen wir saisonale Werbeaktionen nicht vergessen. Dekorative Popcorndosen eignen sich perfekt für den täglichen Verkauf sowie für saisonale Werbeaktionen wie Halloween, Weihnachten, Black Friday und Neujahr. Sie können leicht thematisiert und gestaltet werden, um zur jeweiligen Gelegenheit zu passen und eine festliche Atmosphäre zu schaffen, die Kunden anzieht und den Umsatz ankurbelt.

Zusammenfassend bietet die Verpackung in Popcorndosen viele Vorteile gegenüber Papier- und Kunststoffverpackungen. Von ihrer Langlebigkeit über ihr visuell ansprechendes Design bis hin zu ihrer Haltbarkeit ist sie eine intelligente Wahl für jede Popcorn-Marke. Warum sich also mit dem Gewöhnlichen zufrieden geben, wenn Sie etwas Außergewöhnliches bieten können?

Als zuverlässiger Hersteller von maßgeschneiderten Popcorndosen in China ist Brilliant Tin stolz auf seine qualitativ hochwertigen Produkte und exzellenten Service. Wir sind auch Lieferant von Geschenkkörben mit Popcorndosen für Weihnachten und Neujahr und bieten Großhandelsoptionen für Gourmet-Popcorndosen für die Feiertage an. Mit unseren wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen können Sie die Wirkung Ihrer Marke steigern, ohne Ihr Budget zu belasten.

Zögern Sie nicht, uns jederzeit zu kontaktieren. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.

Posted by Brilliant Tin Box

2024 Popcorn

Can Catalog

0,5-Gallonen-Popcorndose: Φ100x130mmH

1-Gallonen-Popcorndose: Φ170x180mmH

2-Gallonen-Popcorndose: Φ230xΦ260x197mmH

3,5-Gallonen-Popcorndose: Φ230xΦ260x290mmH

6,5-Gallonen-Popcorndose: Φ290xΦ310x360mmH

0.5 Gallon Custom Popcorn Tin With Lid (BRP-001)

We are delighted to introduce this 0.5 gallon popcorn tin, which can be easily customized with your branded artwork. In addition, we offer the option of embossing your logo or graphics to make your product stand out.

This popcorn tin measures Φ100xΦ130mmH which is a mini size of the whole popcorn tin series, therefore, it is suitable to fill with small packs of different flavored popcorn for your customers to sample. This way, they can try various flavors in one go and if they find something they like, they are more likely to purchase larger quantities in the future. It can also be personalized as a gift for your brand promotion.

It is worth mentioning that our popcorn tin packaging is made of 100% recyclable metal tinplate steel, making it environmentally friendly. Furthermore, once the popcorn is consumed, customers can repurpose the tin to store small items such as pencils, clips, and more. This way, your customized tin will serve as a free long-term advertisement for your brand.

Leere dekorative 1-Gallonen-Popcorndose mit Griff


We are thrilled to introduce to you our outstanding range of popcorn tins, specifically 1 gallon popcorn tin which comes in a medium size of Φ170xΦ180mmH and designed to add value to your popcorn and brand. It is made with a handle, so you can also use it as a tin bucket or gift basket. Our collection includes a wide variety of options, such as the 1 gallon Halloween popcorn tin, Christmas popcorn tin, Holiday popcorn tins and the nutcracker popcorn tin, to name a few.

1. Usage:

This decorative popcorn tin is made from Food Safety Grade materials, giving you peace of mind when it comes to popcorn storage. Besides, this 1 gallon popcorn tin with lid and handle could be customized with your artwork printing, making it perfectly for decorating your popcorn packaging and increase turnover. Moreover, it could be personalized with different themes for seasonal promotion like Easter, Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas/Xmas, New Year etc.

2. Material:

Our popcorn cans are made of completely recyclable tinplate, which is 100% friendly for environment protection. By choosing our custom popcorn tin packaging, you can demonstrate your company's dedication to responsible practices.

2 Gallon Popcorn Tin Gift Basket With Lid (BRP-003)

This tapered 2 gallon popcorn tin comes in a medium size of Φ230xΦ260x197mmH, it is made with vibrant and attractive printing effects, as well as high-quality standard. Our bespoke popcorn tins are not only visually appealing but also feature beautiful 2D and 3D embossment, adding an extra touch of elegance to the packaging.

At Brilliant Tin, we understand the importance of personalized packaging for our clients. Therefore, we provide customization options to ensure that the popcorn tins represent your brand's unique identity. Our metal tin packagings are not only durable but also provide excellent protection for your popcorn, keeping it fresh and crunchy for longer periods.

Besides, we wanted to bring to your attention the versatility of our 2 gallon popcorn tin. Not only can it be used to pack multiple flavored popcorns with internal dividers, but it can also serve as a fantastic gift basket for any holiday promotions. Furthermore, by creating an eye-catching popcorn tin packaging, you can significantly increase the sales price of your product.

3.5 Gallon Christmas Popcorn Tin Can With Lid For Decoration And Sale (BRP-004)

This beautiful and eye-catching 3.5 gallon Xmas popcorn tin measures Φ230xΦ260x290mmH, it is the perfect packaging solution for your delicious popcorn.

Our team understands the significance of custom design and branding. That is why we offer the option for you to create your own unique design for the bespoke popcorn tin. Our team of talented designers will work closely with you to bring your vision to life, ensuring that your gourmet popcorn tin stands out from the crowd.

Furthermore, we are capable of offering you a comprehensive packaging solution for your popcorn needs. In addition to the 3.5 gallon popcorn tin, we also provide essential accessories like custom printed labels, heat shrink bands for sealing, and colorful boxes for repackaging or any other items you may require. Our services extend to shipping all commodities from our China factory directly to your door, nationwide in the USA or Canada, based on DDU/DDP terms.

6.5 Gallon Xmas Popcorn Tin Bucket With Lid and Handle For Wholesale (BRP-005)

Our large 6.5 gallon popcorn tin is perfect for family celebrations, big parties, Christmas holiday sales and promotions, which I believe would greatly benefit your brand awareness and sales.

This decorative popcorn tin is designed with custom dimensions of Φ290xΦ310x360mmH, ensuring ample space for your delicious popcorn treats for up to 20 people party. Moreover, the tin can be customized with attractive artwork that will captivate your customers' attention. Additionally, we offer the option to emboss your logo on the tin, further enhancing your brand presence.

By incorporating our popcorn tin gift basket into your marketing strategy, you can add value to your brand awareness. The striking design, coupled with your delectable popcorn products, will undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on your customers. This will not only increase sales but also create a positive association between your brand and the holiday seasons.

What Our Customers Say:


"Hi Jack, Hope you are having a good December! We are very happy with the quality of the latest order of our 3.5 gallon tin. Thanks tons. We are now planning for Christmas 2024...

"The tins have just arrived and we are definitely amazed, I think they look even better than samples. Thank you very much Jack, they are of a brilliant quality and we could not be more satisfied with them...

"Just a quick note to say that we received the production tins yesterday and we are absolutely delighted with them, thank you again for all your assistance on these. You really have been a pleasure to work with...

"Jack, I appreciate all the effort you do and all the time you invest with us. I wish you a happy new year and all the best and look forward to creating our successful partnership in 2024...

Popcorn de J***


L***'s Popcorn

Popcorn de B***

K*** Popcorn


United Kingdom




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